EKSBOnline Forum

Forum Rules

Started by atefsaeed2010 2014-05-01 at 06:38
0 replies to this topic
Posts: 14
Forum behavior:

1. Please be respectful of our members.

2. No accusations of scamming of this site or any other site will be tolerated.

3. No posting of false and/or exaggerated information related to, but not limited to, your account, EKSBOnlieor any other site.

4. Be sure to post in the appropriate board for your topic.

Account concerns and inquiries:

1. You MUST open a ticket including your username, account email and any other details you can provide. The more the better. I ask that you then please wait for a response from admin.

2. Your tickets MUST be courteous and not include accusations of scamming, any swearing or threats or you will be banned immediately with no chance of reinstatement.

3. DO NOT use the forum as a support ticket system, that is not what it's for and you will get a response quicker by having a ticket in queue. The forum same rules apply here as they do at any other site. Using the forum to vent, get help about your account or repeated questions on the same topic or issue will result in a ban.

Violations of any of the above may result in a ban from the forum and or EKSBOnlie.